
Archive for January, 2009

ASP.NET allows you to get at some great information about the client and the server via the HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables collection. Likewise, Silverlight allows you to get at a few local variables of its own through the System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.BrowserInformation object.

But, to use these variables we often need to know what kind of values to expect. For example, let’s say you’re going to create a condition based on which browser the user is using. You would use BrowserInformation.Name. But Name is a string, not an enum. So what are the various values that can be returned by this property? This might be documented somewhere for the officialy supported browsers, but the only fool proof way is to actually try it by writing a dummy Silverlight app that spills out this variable and run it in all the different browsers to see what comes back. The same applies to ServerVariables but even more so because this is just a big dictionary so you don’t even know which variables are going to be present let alone what their values will be.

Here’s a utility I wrote for anyone to use that will help you look at all the BrowserInfo properties and ServerVariables. Hit this page from any machine to see what values it is sending up to the server. Bookmark this page, it will probalby come in handy someday when you’re scratching your head wondering what useragent you’re sending up to the server.

BrowserInfo and ServerVariables

Another cool part is that it not only shows you what servervariables are available at the time your web page is requested, but also what servervariables are available when you hit a WCF service from Silverlight. There are some subtle differences.

Also note that it’s hosted on Azure so you can also get a glimpse of which ServerVariables Azure provides access to. On first glance it looks the same as Windows Server but I haven’t done a variable by variable comparison.

Enjoy, I hope this comes in handy!

Download the source code here to see how it works or to host on your own server.

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Here’s a fun and useful UI control I suspect many developers out there are writing over and over again. It’s essentially a border control with an independent autosizing header. It’s not included in the framework, toolkit, or any of the open source libraries that I’ve seen and I’ve needed it myself on more than one occasion so I thought I’d share and save everyone a little work.

Silverlight Border control with a header

Click to run

Here an example of it in it’s more basic form.

The code to use it is simple:

<pp:HeaderBorder Header=”Header” Content=”Content goes here”/>

You can control the radius, border, and individual backgrounds of the two main containers. The header and content areas are just standard containers so you can put any type of content in them — like all good Silverlight controls should allow. 🙂

To create this control, I sandwiched a line in between two border controls (the top containing the header ContentPresenter and the bottom containing the main ContentPresenter). Wrapped around the 2 borders and line controls is another Border control.

I found two different techniques to make sure the inner border controls don’t blead out over the containing border control (which is really the only modestly complex part about this control).

  1. In the first technique, I was able to clip the inner contents using a RectangleGeometry control with RadiusX and RadiusY matching that of the outer border
  2. As an alternate technique I set the individual pieces of the CornerRadius property on the two inner border controls. For example, the top might be set to “6,6,0,0” and the bottom: “0,0,6,6”. This made them match the containing border control’s border and not extend beyond it.

The rest of the work is just putting it in a control and wiring up the properties with the xaml in generic.xaml so the control’s consumer can control it.

Download the source code and check out both techniques if you’re curious or just throw it in your app and start using it.

Happy Silverlight coding!

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