
Posts Tagged ‘silverlight controls’

As an amateur photographer, I have always kept my eyes open for new tools to help me search, sort, filter, and view my own photos. Microsoft Pivot (a cool new technology that lets you easily view, search, and filter data using deep zoom) seemed like a natural and obvious fit for the task.

Therefore, using Microsoft Pivot and the Pauthor open source libraries, I created  a tool that helps users create a pivot collection from the photos on their hard drive and supports filtering by all the nifty meta data embedded in those files such as shutter speed, aperture, film speed, and focal length. Plus, users end up with a great look set of deep zoom images from their photo collection!


Step 1: Install Microsoft Pivot

Step 2: Install PhotoPivot beta (I’m calling it a beta because I wrote it in about 8 hours).


Browse for the folder containing the photos that you would like to “Pivot-ize”

Browse for the location where you would like to dump the pivot collection and all the associated deep zoom files.

Note: This can take up a lot of space

Click “Go”

Warning: If you run this on a couple hundred high resolution photos it will take ~5-10 minutes, if you run it on all 20,000 photos in your My Pictures folder… do it before you go to bed!

The Result:

In the end, assuming Microsoft Pivot is installed, it will launch the Pivot app and automatically load your collection…



  1. The end result is awesome… especially when it’s your own photos that you’re filtering and deep zooming on.
  2. This collection is totally compatible with the Microsoft Silverlight PivotViewer control which makes it super easy to publish the result on the web. All you have to do is upload the output to a web server, toss a clientconfigpolicy.xml file in the domain’s root and build a 3 minute Silverlight PivotViewer app to view them. Read my earlier blog post for more details. The only down-side: if you thought it took a long time to generate the files, wait until you try to upload them; yikes!
  3. Source code is available. Knock yourself out!


  • Microsoft Pivot. Seriously folks, this is where all the real work was done.
  • DeepZoom. It wouldn’t be nearly as cool without it.
  • Pauthor. And without this awesome open source library, I would never have bothered to build this. (It even uses parallel processing to generates all the deep zoom images). Great work guys!

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The new Silverlight PivotViewer control provides a cool and powerful way to visualize and filter data straight out of the box. If you have some data with a few dozen records or more and have images associated with each record, I urge you to give it a spin and build a quick Silverlight PivotViewer app to show off and enable users to search and filter that data. The whole affair won’t take you more than an hour or two and in the end you’ll have a great looking, fun and powerful window into our data.

All you need to do is generate some special files that contain the data you want to show, create a Silverlight app that hosts the new Silverlight PivotViewer control, and point it at your data.

Here is a proof of concept that I built using data from PuzzleTouch, my online jigsaw puzzles application, that shows off all the stock puzzles available and allows them to be filtered by category, popularity, and difficulty (based on user stats).

Online Jigsaw Puzzle Catalog Viewer

Click here to view

Here’s a quick walk-through demonstrating how to build your very own PivotViewer app…

Step 1: Generate the data. This is where most of the work is (but that isn’t saying much). In the end you will end up with a number of Xml and deep zoom image files. Depending on the data, the easiest way may be to use the Pivot Collection Tool for Microsoft Excel. This is an Excel Addin that allows you to toss all your data in a spreadsheet and the addin will generate the Pivot data files from it. However, because I was gathering my data from a handful of different sources and because I find programmatically generating the data to be more interesting, I decided to forego Excel and generate it from code using the Pivot Collection Tool (a.k.a. Pauthor) open source C# library. This library provides an extremely simple API that has everything you need to easily generate all the data that the Silverlight Pivot control needs. All you need to do is add the PauthorLib project to your solution and away you go…

PivotCollection items = new PivotCollection();
items.Name = "Online Jigsaw Puzzles by PuzzleTouch";
items.BrandImage = new PivotImage("http://puzzletouch.com/logo.png");
items.Icon = new PivotImage("http://puzzletouch.com/favicon.ico");
items.FacetCategories.Add(new PivotFacetCategory("Category", 
items.FacetCategories.Add(new PivotFacetCategory("Difficulty", 
items.FacetCategories.Add(new PivotFacetCategory("Popularity", 

foreach (var puzzle in StockPuzzles)
    PivotItem item = new PivotItem(puzzle.PuzzleId, items);
    item.Description = puzzle.Description;
    item.Name = StripExtension(puzzle.Filename);
    item.Href = string.Format("http://puzzletouch.com/?puzzle={0}",
    item.Image = new PivotImage
(string.Format("C:\\PuzzleTouch\\Images\\{0}.png", puzzle.PuzzleId));
    item.AddFacetValues("Category", puzzle.Category.ToString());
    item.AddFacetValues("Difficulty", puzzle.Difficulty);
    item.AddFacetValues("Popularity", puzzle.Popularity);


PivotCollectionBuffer source = new PivotCollectionBuffer(items);
LocalCxmlCollectionTarget target = new LocalCxmlCollectionTarget(
DeepZoomTargetFilter targetFilter = new DeepZoomTargetFilter(target);

Here I am creating a PivotCollection object to store my data. I tell it which fields I want to support filtering by (called a FacetCategory), and then I loop through my records and create a  new PivotItem for each. Each PivotItem needs a name, href, and image, as well as a value for each FacetCategory.

Once I’m done populating my PivotCollection object, I export it to the file system (which produces all the files required for the pivot control to function). There are other formats you can export to and from, but for my purposes I just wanted to generate from code and produce a local copy of the Pivot data all ready to go. Note: The coolest part here is that all the deep zoom images will be created automatically from the source images! No separate tools or typing in command lines are necessary!

Please refer to the Pauthor documentation for more details on the Pauthor library.

Step 2: Upload. Once you have the pivot data files created, upload them. I chose to upload my data to Amazon S3 because it is cheap and scalable but you could easily put it in any HTTP accessible location. Just remember to drop a clientaccesspolicy.xml file in the root of the domain if the data is hosted somewhere other than where you will be hosting your Silverlight app from.

Step 3: Create your Silverlight app. This is almost too easy…

  • Insert the following xaml into your main page:

<pivot:PivotViewer x:Name=“PivotViewer” />

  • In the code behind, load the PivotViewer control with the url of the .cxml file that you uploaded to your web site:
puzzles.cxml", string.Empty);

That’s it!!! You now have an application that can view your pivot data collection in all it’s glory. Deep zooming, filtering, searching…etc is all built in and working.

From there, you can go forth and customize the experience all you want but with very little work you’ll have a fully functional Pivot viewing application that will give your users a lot of powerful abilities straight out of the box.

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Here’s a new panel to add to your tool chest. It’s one I expect to use almost daily and save approximately 3.1 hours of typing over the next year. Hopefully you’ll find it useful as useful as I think it is.

What’s wrong with the built-in StackPanel:

You can’t get children to conform to the size of the panel. Imagine you want the following label and list but want the height of the Listbox to stretch or shrink according to the room available:

At first glance, a StackPanel would seem to be the natural choice for which panel to accomplish this. Afterall, you just want a linear list of two objects: a TextBlock and ListBox. However, unless you are willing to hardcode the size of the ListBox or resize it with code, with a StackPanel you’ll end up with:

Yuck! Clipping instead of a scrollbar. So how do you get the desired behavior?

Answer: Grid.

So what’s wrong with a Grid?

  1. Grids take more lines xaml to create. Compare the StackPanel Xaml to the Grid’s above and notice the 4 extra lines of Xaml. Ok, not a huge deal but if you’re doing this every day like me, you start to get sick of creating RowDefinition and ColumnDefinition objects.
  2. With a grid you have to explicitly define the order of the children. Adding the attached property Grid.Row is easy on your first pass but what happens if you want to insert a new row somewhere in the middle. You not only have to add a new RowDefinition, but you also have to remember to go increment the row number on all subsequent siblings. This is a pain and error prone because a sibling would potentially be defined in any order in the grid.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get the best of both worlds?

What we really want here is a StackPanel that allows you to define the size of the children.

Welcome SuperStackPanel:

Just set the attached property StackPanel.Length to “*” to get a child to stretch.

In fact, SuperStackPanel lets you use all the same GridLength values you can use in a Grid (Auto, *, n*, and x):

Have I sold you yet? The nice part is that SuperStackPanel is completely compatible with a normal StackPanel. Just swap out your StackPanel for SuperStackPanel and everything will look the same because the default value of Length is “Auto”. Frankly, I’d love to see Microsoft expand the role of StackPanel to support this natively. Of course, until then, there’s SuperStackPanel.

SuperStackPanel is lightweight and simple to add to your project, just download the C# source code, add to your project, add the namespace to your xaml and away you’ll go. Enjoy!

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Here’s a fun and useful UI control I suspect many developers out there are writing over and over again. It’s essentially a border control with an independent autosizing header. It’s not included in the framework, toolkit, or any of the open source libraries that I’ve seen and I’ve needed it myself on more than one occasion so I thought I’d share and save everyone a little work.

Silverlight Border control with a header

Click to run

Here an example of it in it’s more basic form.

The code to use it is simple:

<pp:HeaderBorder Header=”Header” Content=”Content goes here”/>

You can control the radius, border, and individual backgrounds of the two main containers. The header and content areas are just standard containers so you can put any type of content in them — like all good Silverlight controls should allow. 🙂

To create this control, I sandwiched a line in between two border controls (the top containing the header ContentPresenter and the bottom containing the main ContentPresenter). Wrapped around the 2 borders and line controls is another Border control.

I found two different techniques to make sure the inner border controls don’t blead out over the containing border control (which is really the only modestly complex part about this control).

  1. In the first technique, I was able to clip the inner contents using a RectangleGeometry control with RadiusX and RadiusY matching that of the outer border
  2. As an alternate technique I set the individual pieces of the CornerRadius property on the two inner border controls. For example, the top might be set to “6,6,0,0” and the bottom: “0,0,6,6”. This made them match the containing border control’s border and not extend beyond it.

The rest of the work is just putting it in a control and wiring up the properties with the xaml in generic.xaml so the control’s consumer can control it.

Download the source code and check out both techniques if you’re curious or just throw it in your app and start using it.

Happy Silverlight coding!

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Here’s a good looking, light-weight GroupBox control for Silverlight 2 RTW.
Silverlight GroupBox Control

Download source code for VB.NET
Download source code for C#
Download the binary

According to Shawn Burke on the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit Team, “groupbox is on the list but not in this control set

So until then, here’s a fully functional and very simple GroupBox control that you might even want to use after the Toolkit includes the GroupBox for sake of the tiny runtime size (only 9 KB).

To use all you need is:

<groupbox:GroupBox Header=”Header goes here”>
    <Button Content=”This is a placeholder for the content”/>

In case anyone is interested, I did find one other groupbox control out there but it was created before the RTW and requires a little work to get it running on RTW and the spacing around the header was a bit off. Nevertheless, kudos to Lee for putting together something to use way back in March.

Dec 16, 2008: I added source code for C# and fixed a bug allowing the groupbox to be truely transparent by clipping the Border control where the header goes instead of relying on ZOrder to hide that portion of the border control.

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